Setter and Pointer championship show

02 ноя 2018 года
Потрясающие новости от Крисси... На одной из крупнейших и очень престижной выставке в Великобритании, было записано 161 Ирландский сеттер, под экспертизой Mrs Phyllis M Pollard (Grayrigge) Крисси стала Лучшим щенком выставки! Это потрясающе!
Великолепное описание Крисси в ринге и на бесте, которые хочется опубликовать на сайте:
1 Roberts Jetsetter Cristalle At Polmennor JW (IMP RUS) Another one I loved for type, have admired her from the ringside and it was a pleasure to go over her. She is a mature girl, I think this was her last puppy class, who excels in outline and balance, beautiful head with domed skull, dark expressive eye and good head planes, well laid back shoulders, lovely sternum and depth and just the right amount of angulation, nothing overdone about her, nice finish to her croup and used her tail well as she moved soundly round the ring, best puppy bitch and with the agreement of my co-judge best puppy in breed and finally best puppy in Show, well done!
Then from Mrs Cicely A Robertshaw (Crookrise)
Best Puppy In Show The 11 month old Irish Setter puppy bitch, just the right amount of development for her age. Held herself well on the move and had a good tail action. Correct Irish expression which makes so much difference to the breed, Enough substance but still retained a quality look.